Lower School

Junior Kindergarten (Determined by Gesell Observation)
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Kindergarten (Age 5 by September 1 and determined by Gesell Observation)
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
1 st through 4th Grades (Age-appropriate per grade level by September 1)
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

The Lower School curriculum insures continuity and allows a smooth transition from one grade to the next. Each scholar is encouraged to develop independence and a sense of responsibility. The acquisition of these abilities helps foster a positive self-image and set the foundation of learning as a lifelong endeavor. The academic program concentrates on the development of basic skills and good work habits. The scholars learn and refine the skills that they will rely upon and hone for the rest of their academic career.

Lower School classes utilize the Balanced Literacy approach to teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Scholars learn skills, strategies, and develop attitudes and habits about learning that will help them be successful learners. In addition to the core curriculum, classes in music, studio art, Spanish, life skills, physical education, athletics (participation in an after-school sports league beginning in fourth grade that includes basketball, volleyball, and track), and religious education are all part of the St. James education.

Classroom activities, assemblies, field trips and 4th Grade athletics represent concrete opportunities for the Lower School students to grow both individually and as members of a group. Teachers integrate authentic literature related to topics taught in Science and Central Theme. The combination of literature and reading skills taught through guided reading and writing enables scholars to learn transference by practicing with content for which they are being held responsible.

He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Junior Kindergarten is a systemic program which recognizes that research and early successes are proving that JK is a strong component in a child’s early development and growth. The Junior-Kindergarten curriculum considers the whole scholar in a developmentally appropriate manner. Research shows us that certain behaviors, language, and intellectual abilities are typically characteristic of and associated with a specific chronological age. Junior Kindergarten is designed to provide scholars with adequate time to acquire the fine motor skills necessary for writing, the attention span to remain seated and focused, and the social skills necessary to interact in the structured environment of the classroom.

Adjusting to the routines of a kindergarten school day is an essential skill for children entering SJES Lower School. In this program, scholars have Junior Kindergarten and kindergarten-level learning experiences in reading, writing, and math that are presented using the outside world as a learning environment. Every lesson focuses on active learning, oral language, and continuing to apply the Spalding Phonics concepts to provide strong phonemic awareness as the foundation for reading and writing. This classroom provides scholars with a strong focus on:

  • Following multi-step instructions
  • Finding multiple ways to solve problems
  • Organizing work
  • Controlling impulses and sustaining attention

JK is a safe, play-based, quality early learning program that includes activities such as:

  • Movement, dancing, singing, and playing
  • Creativity, curiosity and critical thinking
  • Hands-on/experiential centers
  • Reading both quietly and aloud
  • Exploring technology
  • Participating in small and large group activities
  • Experiencing outdoor and inside activities
  • Arts and crafts
  • Developing listening and social skills
  • Healthy snacks and nutrition

The use of the Elements of Depth and Complexity encourages higher order thinking as scholars ponder, experience, and learn from the world around them. Scholarly behaviors help Junior-Kindergarten scholars develop behaviors that increase learning. Individualized instruction is realized as learning opportunities are developed using Multiple Intelligences.

Junior Kindergarten scholars are taught to continue to look at the world through the Global Theme lens of Patterns. Through literature, conversations, and learning activities, scholars develop an understanding of the following essential, conceptual truths (generalizations):

  • Patterns can be natural or man-made.
  • Patterns are subject to change.
  • Patterns provide structure.
  • Patterns allow for predictions.
  • Patterns repeat.
  • Patterns have rules.
  • Patterns may have symmetry.
  • Patterns communicate or tell a story.

Junior Kindergarten scholars continue to learn and acquire the skills introduced in early education in Movement and Coordination and Social and Emotional Development. The Junior Kindergarten Curriculum cycles through the skills learned in Pre-Kindergarten with an emphasis on mastery of the initial skills and introduction of basic Kindergarten skills. The primary goal is for scholars to have a strong understanding of oral and written language development, math processes, and the organizational skills need to have a strong foundation entering Kindergarten.

Social and Emotional Development

The basic goals for social and emotional development focus on skills that enable the Junior Kinder scholar to function independently within the social setting of the class group.

  • Draw a dimensional picture of a person.
  • Care for personal needs by dressing independently.
  • Identify and label emotions.
  • Use acceptable methods of expressing anger.

Work Habits

  • Memorize address, phone number and date of birth.
  • Carry out multi-step oral directions.
  • Choose and use a toy or do an activity independently.
  • Organize and plan what is needed to carry out a project or task.
  • Describe and evaluate one’s own work.

Social Skills

  • Recognize and call school personnel by name.
  • Ask adult for help appropriately.
  • Demonstrate observable listening behaviors.
  • Identify and follow classroom rules.
  • Offer assistance to another scholar.
  • Carry out certain chores that contribute to the group.
  • Respect the personal belongings and property of others.
  • Share and take turns.
  • Follow rules for simple games.
  • Ignore inappropriate peer behavior.
  • Accept consequences of actions.
  • Use words to solve problems and conflicts.
  • Complete an activity or project in conjunction with another scholar or small group.


In terms of language development, the primary focus during the Junior Kindergarten is on oral language development, phonemic awareness, writing skills, vocabulary development, and continuing to stress and build the foundation for written language development. This development is stimulated through the following areas:

Oral Language/Listening and Speaking

  • Identify and express physical sensations, mental states, and emotional feelings.
  • Show understanding of and use temporal words.
  • Use increasingly precise verbs (including future tense) related to eating, movement, and the five senses.
  • Use a simplified illustrated schedule of activities to indicate which activity preceded and which will follow an activity.
  • Sequence and describe three to five images of events or phrases of a single event that has been experienced.
  • Dictate a description to accompany one’s drawing of people, objects, events, or activities, derived from one’s experience or imagination.
  • Follow simple, illustrated recipe.
  • Describe an event that has already taken place outside the immediate place and time.
  • Assume a different role or perspective and express different possibilities, imaginary or realistic
  • Name opposites (i.e..big/little, cold/hot, etc.)
  • Match rhyming sounds and using familiar rhymes, poems, or songs, finish a recitation that has begun with the correct rhyming word.
  • Mother Goose and other traditional poems contain rhyming words, or words that end with the same sounds.
  • Listen for rhythm or a pattern of sound.


  • Listen to and understand a variety of texts read aloud.
  • Develop understanding of how print works within a book, print represents words that can be read; identify print in signs, letters, price tags. Create a print rich environment allowing optimal print exposure; print goes from left to right, identify top, bottom and middle of the page.
  • Scholars will learn that stories are a kind of fiction, or narrative that comes from a writer’s imagination, and stories can be folktales, fairy tales, myths, legends, or trickster tales.
  • Associate spoken and written language by matching written labels with spoken words.
  • Point to words as distance units on a page of print.
  • “Read”/tell a story based on the illustrations of a book with text that has not been read aloud previously.
  • Predict events in a story, i.e., what will happen next.
  • Predict a story ending consistent with other given story events.
  • Answer who, what, where, when, and why questions about a story read-aloud.
  • Storytelling sequence: recite beginning, middle, and end.
  • Identify author and illustrator, setting, characters, plot.

Phonemic Awareness

  • Scholars will learn words are made up of a sequence of smaller, individual sounds. Words consists of unique sequences of phonemes; words are distinguished from one another by their phonemes; Some words begin or end with the same sounds; Individual letters and letter combinations represent specific sounds; Sounds and syllables can be blended to make words; Words can be broken up, or segmented, into sound segments; Groups of letters can be combined to form specific letter-sound patterns.
  • Segment a spoken sentence into separate distinct words.
  • Identify initial letter sound.
  • Segment a spoken word into phonemes.
  • Recognize, speak and write single phonogram sounds as outlined in Spalding’s The Writing Road to Reading.


  • Hold a writing instrument correctly between the thumb and index finger, resting it against the middle finger.
  • Draw and use motifs: horizontal line, vertical line, diagonal line, zigzag line, circle, spiral, moon, cross, cane, hook, bowl, bridge, wave, star, etc.
  • Trace and then draw independently the outlines of geometric shapes and irregular figures.
  • Draw pictures to represent a text or story.
  • Understand print has meaning.
  • Write the letters of the alphabet/utilize word walls and print environment in order to make words during writer’s workshop/understanding differences between p,q,b,d / u,n / w,m / r,n,h
  • Write one’s first and last name, using upper- and lowercase letters appropriately.
  • Write numbers 0-9 using correct formation.
  • Write from left to right, leaving spaces between words and top to bottom.
  • Copy letter formation of CVC words.
  • Use invented spelling.


Nursery Rhymes, Poetry and Phrases

  • Using familiar rhymes, poems, or songs (i.e. Mother Goose), finish a recitation that has begun with the correct rhyming words.
  • Using familiar rhymes, poems, or songs, indicate several possible rhyming words (other than those included in the actual rhyme) to finish the recitation.
  • Learn the meanings and appropriate uses of familiar sayings and phrases for alliteration, figurative, literal, proverb, repetition.


Mathematical thinking is developed through concrete objects and then pictures. Junior Kindergarten scholars move from concrete experience, developing a deep understanding of number sense and number properties, and moving to symbolic representation of the major strands of mathematics. Scholars begin development of problem solving techniques and math study through the following areas of application of math skills:

Patterns and Classification

  • Identify a pair of objects or pictures as the same or different
  • Classify and/or sort objects by color, shape, size, function or another conceptual category.
  • Represent on paper “in written form” an alternating pattern.
  • Verbally label the single common attribute or characteristic of a group of objects or pictures.
  • Verbally label the difference or criteria used for classification of several groups of objects or pictures
  • Given a sample object/pictures and verbal description of the selection criteria, sort objects/pictures according to a single criterion.


  • Classify, name and find examples of plane figures in everyday objects.
  • Observe and describe characteristics of 3D shapes.
  • Use terms of orientation and relative position.
  • Identify left and right, identify top, middle, and bottom.

Numbers and Number Sense

  • Know number names and the count sequence (0-100).
  • Count groups of objects with up to ten items per group.
  • Given an oral number (up to 10), create a group with the correct number of objects.
  • Practice zero as an empty set.
  • Compare 2 groups of no more than 10 objects per group and use quantitative vocabulary to describe the groups (more/greater than, less than, same as/equal to).
  • Count forward from 1-31 first beginning with 1 and later from any given number; backward from 10; from 1-10 by twos; 1-50 by fives; and 1-100 by tens.
  • Practice writing numerals to 20.
  • Count and write the number of objects in a set 0-10.
  • Interpret simple picture graphs.
  • Organize, read and create simple bar graphs.
  • Identify numbers using tally marks, 10-frames and place value of ones, tens, hundreds.
  • Identify ordinal positions to the 6th


  • Understand that addition is the concept of putting together.
  • Understand that subtraction is the concept of taking away.
  • Given a number (1-10), identify one more and/or one less.
  • Understand the meaning of the plus and minus signs.
  • Add to 10 and subtract from 5 using concrete objects.


  • Compare pairs of objects: size (large-small), length (long-short), height (tall-short), mass: (heavy-light), temperature (hot-cold), volume (full-empty).
  • Use an arbitrary tool of measurement to compare the length and height of objects using comparative vocabulary (longer-taller-shorter).
  • Seriate at least 3 items by length, height or size in ascending or descending order.
  • Divide one item into approximate equal pieces to show ½.
  • Divide a set of concrete objects into two equal parts to show ½ of a set of concrete objects.


  • Identify and count up to 20 pennies.
  • Identify penny, quarter, nickel, dime and the one-dollar bill.
  • Identify the dollar sign and the cent sign

History and Geography

The basic goals of the Junior Kindergarten program is to develop a sense of time and an orientation as it relates to self, family, school, the community and the world around us. Scholars are asked to consider time in terms of days, months, and years, as well as past, present, and future. The development of a sense of orientation in space provides a context and vocabulary for instruction in geometry and geography. The following areas of study promote understanding and application of space and time.

Orientation in Time - Past and Present

  • Introduce time, days of the week/months of the year.
  • Use a monthly calendar to locate birthday and day of the week.
  • Personal timelines.
  • Introduce the clock and telling time to the hour.
  • Seasons of the year.
  • Use a schedule to help navigate the daily routine.
  • Fossils, dinosaurs, and archaeology discoveries.
  • Celebrate holidays throughout the year and discuss traditions associated.

Orientation in Space – Spatial Sence

  • Directionality: Left/Right, N.S.E.W
  • Reproduce a design represented on a pattern card, parquetry block and three-dimensional patterns.
  • Identify what maps and globes represent and how they are used.
  • Understand the meanings of basic terms of spatial orientation necessary for working with maps.
  • Introduce Hemisphere map and locate seven continents.
  • Locate the major oceans.
  • Identify North America as our continent and the United States as our country.
  • Identify Texas as our state.
  • Texas symbols.
  • Identify and verbally label Solar System.


Science in the Junior Kindergarten year continues to encourage scholars to use a systematic way of looking at, describing, and explaining the world around them. This systematic approach may be summarized as: (1) reflect and ask questions, (2) plan an activity and predict what will happen, (3) carry out the activity and observe what happens, and (4) report findings (words, drawings, displays, photos, etc.) and reflect on other related questions. This is the beginning of application of the scientific method in the following areas:

Human Characteristics, Needs and Development

  • Identify and describe basic needs: food and drink, shelter and protection from temperature and weather.
  • Identify living and non-living things.
  • Use images to understand nutrition/health.
  • Five Senses
  • Discuss body parts and skeleton.
  • Sequence pictures to represent the human life cycle.

Animal Characteristics, Needs and Development

  • Identify and describe basic needs and habitats.
  • Discuss body parts and adaptations.
  • Sequence pictures to represent various life cycles.

Plant Characteristics, Needs and Development

  • Identify and describe basic needs.
  • Identify and diagram basic parts of plants.
  • Record observations regarding plant needs, development, and plant cycle.

Taking Care of the Earth

  • Measures we can do to take care of our planet.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Physical Elements

  • Observe, describe, and record properties of air, water, light, and magnets.
  • Observe and record characteristics of various weather patterns and seasons.

Jr. Kinder Curriculum Map